01.11. Selma Kay Matter: Muskeln aus Plastik, 18.00 Uhr
Kay has a serious crush – and a serious illness. The crush is always followed by a crash, severe palpitations are followed by migraines, and making out is followed by aching limbs. While Kay tries to escape the consequences of Long Covid, only the longing for Aron and the desire for a strong, androgynous body bring relief. “Muscles of Plastic” deals with chronic illness and transness – and the way our society thinks and talks about “healthy” bodies. Is there even a language for pain?
Beyond all formal and intellectual traditions, Selma Kay Matter explores the thin line between pleasure and pain, imagining new forms of care, intimacy and queer resistance – an impressive, intuitive and moving debut.
Moderation: Rica Heinke
Supported by Pro Helvetia, in cooperation with the Gerhard Marcks-Haus.