Literature projects for children, teens and young adults

What is the young globale°?

The young globale° is a meeting point for for pupils, students and authors since 2008. In writing workshops and readings, live or digital, at interfaces between schools, universities, and urban culture, they can meet reading and writing, learning and teaching. Within the framework of different workshops, children and young people have the opportunity to express their own creativity in writing – multilingual and contemporary. As a rule, about 20 events around the young globale° are held each year.

What's it all about?

The focus of the young globale° is on workshops that offer stimulation for interaction and one’s own engagement with writing and literature. The goal of the workshops is to temporarily dissolve the patterns of evaluation used in school education by means of creative self-efficacy and to instill in the children and young people a desire for writing and literature. In addition, there are readings, lectures and discussions on current topics and social challenges. In order to master the latter together, independent ways of thinking and expressing oneself are needed. Literature is a big part of this.

Who can enter?

Whether students at university or primary school children, whether trainees or adolescent pupils, they are all going through a time marked by adolescent changes. In precisely these phases, it is important to create space for diversity of perspective and encounters, with others, with oneself. The idea is to accompany the search for one’s own identity, one’s own place in society, how to deal with conflicts, and the question of what shapes social coexistence through literature. The Junge globale° is therefore primarily aimed at young people, which is why the workshops and readings are mostly organized in cooperation with schools and universities.



Dr. Ina Schenker

Research associate for literary and cultural transfer.
University of Bremen
Department 10 I Linguistics and literary studies
GW II, Room A3.800
Bibliotheksstraße 13
28359 Bremen, Germany
Phone 0421 218-68421

Dr. Ina Schenker