03.11. Literarischer Spaziergang, 11.00 Uhr

…trotz dieser Welt

We live in troubled times. Climate change, growing nationalism, neo-imperialism – in the face of so many problems, it is easy to feel alone and hopeless.
In this year’s literary walk under the motto “…despite this world“, we will get to know texts that deal with a chaotic, often hostile society.
The texts come from different places and times, but together
they form a large picture of resistance in all its complexity. In particular, works that are less well-known are highlighted. In collaboration with selected bookshops in Bremen and the Shakespeare Company.

Register by email to: tatjana.vogel@globale-literaturfestival.de

Guide: Dariusz Schimankowitz
Reading: Peter Lüchinger
Copyright: Matej Meza

Along book stores of Bremen

Start: Albatros Buchhandlung
Fedelhören 91, D – 28203 Bremen