24.10. Said Etris Hashemi: Der Tag, an dem ich sterben sollte, 19.00 Uhr
Hanau, February 19, 2020: A right-wing extremist shoots nine people at several crime scenes for racist
motives, others are seriously injured. Among them was 23-year-old Said Etris Hashemi. Etris was
hit in the neck and barely survived. His younger brother Said Nesar, two years younger, dies at the scene. Any help comes too late. A few seconds that change everything – not only in the lives of those affected, but in society as a whole. Etris’ story is probably the most personal account by a survivor of the attack, which changed Germany forever.
“This book tells a piece of German history that has so far been largely invisible because it has been made invisible.” (Mithu Sanyal)
Moderation: Meliksah Senyürek
Supported by the Demokratie Zentrum Bremen.
In cooperation with Theater Bremen.