Austrian State Prize for Literary Translation 2023 for Ondřej Cikán

We congratulate our friend Ondřej Cikán on winning the Austrian State Prize for Literary Translation 2023!

“Ondřej Cikán (*1985 in Prague) has lived in Vienna since 1991, where he works as an author, translator, classical philologist, film director and publisher. He translates from a wide range of source languages (Czech, Ancient Greek, Latin) into German and from several languages (including German, Ancient Greek, French) into Czech. He is the author of translations by Karel Čapek, Zuzana Lazarová, Josef Váchal, Karel Hynek Mácha and J. H. Krchovský.

The jury particularly praised Cikán’s style of translation, which demonstrates a particular fluency even in the complex original texts. His ability to master translations from a wide variety of text genres – from novels to experimental novellas to modern poetry – in a consistently confident manner was also noted.”
