30.10. Domenico Müllensiefen, 19.00 Uhr
30.10. Domenico Müllensiefen: Schnall dich an, es geht los, 19.00 Uhr Freedom used to begin in Jeetzenbeck. The village in the Altmark was the first stop on the journey into…
30.10. Domenico Müllensiefen: Schnall dich an, es geht los, 19.00 Uhr Freedom used to begin in Jeetzenbeck. The village in the Altmark was the first stop on the journey into…
30.10. Oxana Matiychuk: Wenn man nur die Kunst des Schreibens gegen das Kriegshandwerk tauschen könnte, 18.00 Uhr If only the art of writing could be swapped for the craft of…
29.10. Panel discussion: What is „Eastern Europe"? 7.00 pm What is „Eastern Europe"?History and present of a contradictory concept Since the brutal invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army, the…
29.10. Gaea Schoeters: Trophäe, 18.00 Uhr In the end, the question remains: what is a human life worth?Hunter, filthy rich, American and enthusiastic hunter, had almost everything before the run.…
29.10. Verlagsworkshop mit Florian Torres, 14.00 Uhr *ONLY FOR STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BREMEN*____________________________ How is a book created? After a brief introduction to the publishing house éditions du…
28.10. Eurolunch / Simone Falk: Und dann essen wir Żurek und fallen vom Himmel, 13.00 Uhr Eurolunch Five people emigrate from Germany to Poland. On the train to Warsaw, they…
27.10. City of Literature: „Pow! Comics in den Cities of Literature“, 11.00 Uhr "Pow! Comics in the Cities of Literature" (the ninth art between text and image) For the third…
26.10. Gianni Biondillo: Quello che noi non siamo, 11.00 Uhr Gianni Biondillo's novel "Quello che noi non siamo" (Engl: What we are not), which won an important Milanese literary prize,…
25.10. Natalja Kljutscharjowa: Tagebuch vom Ende der Welt, 16.00 Uhr The morning of February 24, 2022 starts like any other day for Natasha. And then her children's German teacher stands…
24.10. Said Etris Hashemi: Der Tag, an dem ich sterben sollte, 19.00 Uhr Hanau, February 19, 2020: A right-wing extremist shoots nine people at several crime scenes for racistmotives, others…