globale° 2023 - scarring
Bremen | Delmenhorst
It was very difficult for us to find this year’s motto. Because we want to express our feelings, emotionally capture the current atmosphere, and yet at the same time look boldly into the future. After all, we associate the term “scarring” with both the torn open wounds and the possible, albeit painful, healing process. As Serhij Zhadan said during the awarding of the Peace Price of the German Book Trade 2022: “We are fated to have a future.” And it is our concern to make our position clear, to strengthen international cooperation and at the same time social cohesion. The texts of the invited authors illuminate this both in a historical context and in a contemporary one.
Once again this year, we present a diverse program ranging from Ulrike Draesner to Mina Hava and Dinçer Güçyeter and Deborah Feldman to Daniel Kehlmann. Under the title “Take the floor!” we again invite you to a literary walk through the city, where texts by persecuted authors will be presented. The Prague theater ensemble Studio Hrdinů, directed by Katharina Schmitt, presents the production “The Last Chapter of Mankind,” a play based on a text by Heinrich von Kleist that deals with the situation of theater people in the time of the pandemic. On Sunday evening, the Kafka Band will perform, which now has a regular audience in Bremen. This time the program includes the new production “Process” after Franz Kafka. A template that is frighteningly topical.
And not to forget: Bremen is applying this year for the UNESCO title City of literature. We would like to celebrate the application as part of the festival, with a party at the new art center in the Tabakquartier. For this purpose, as last year, we are specifically inviting representatives from various cities that already belong to this international network, as well as the project “weiter schreiben” (continue writing), in which German and exiled writers develop their texts together. We are confident that also this year globale° will be able to offer a multi-faceted, multi-voiced program that will appeal to an equally diverse audience.
At the same time, the festival contributes to mutual empowerment and sends a clear lasting message of solidarity.
On a daily basis
globale° 2023 - Program
23.10. Kirmen Uribe: The prelife of the dolphins / La vida anterior de los delfines, 7 p.m.
In a masterful combination of historical biography and auto-fiction, playing between Bilbao, Manhattan and Budapest, the Basque-born author Kirmen Uribe, who writes in Basque, lays out his text. Through the story of Uri and Nora, the author, who has won numerous awards, deals with migration. In a second narrative strand, he formulates a pacifist counter-proposal to racism and violence in the story of the Hungarian intellectual and feminist activist Rosika Schwimmer.
Moderation: Florian Borchmeyer
German voice: Kristin Schneider
In German and Spanish language
In cooperation with Instituto Cervantes.
In cooperation with Berlin Verlag.

23.10. Diaty Diallo: Zwei Sekunden brennende Luft / Deux secondes d'air qui brûle, 7 p.m.
In the banlieues, the suburbs of France, social grievances such as inequality, discrimination and racism become visible as if through a burning glass: in a situation permanently heated by conflict, a spark created by an event is enough to ignite a fire of violence. Having grown up in one of the Parisian suburbs himself, Diaty Diallo knows all of this from his own experience and has processed it literarily in a novel of frightening topicality, whose poetic language is a rebellion against accepting these conditions.
Moderation: Elisabeth Arend
In German and French language
One of the German translators, Lena Müller, will be present
and be involved in the conversation with the author. In cooperation with
the Institut franҫais, the University of Bremen and the CaNoFF
(North Campus for France and Francophonie).

25.10. Polina Panassenko: Tenir sa langue, 7 p.m.
Migration and identity – it has to be told again and again. This novel, which has won several awards in France, tackles this major issue over the seemingly trivial difference of just a few letters: Polina becomes Pauline when she comes to France with her parents after the end of the Soviet Union. How can she become Polina again, preserve her memories of a secure childhood, and still live well in France in the present? Lively, wistful, but also with a sense of the comic, this novel has a very special sound.
Moderation: Elisabeth Arend
The conversation is conducted in French
and translated into German.
In cooperation with
the Institut franҫais

30.10. Opening / Ulrike Draesner: Die Verwandelten, 7 p.m.
Libuše Černá Festival management
Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte Mayor / Senator for Culture
Cornelius Neumann-Redlin Business associations in the state of Bremen
NOTE: Please register by October 24 at the following email address.
In cooperation with the Senatskanzlei and the Verein Unternehmerverbände im Lande Bremen e.V..
Ulrike Draesner is one of the most distinguished writers in the German-speaking world.
Literature. Her novels and texts focus on the historical dimensions of Europe as well as on media and scientific developments.
In her 2023 novel, The Transformed, all the characters are connected by hidden experiences of violence – displacement, flight, trauma – in a wide-stretched web through their family stories of intertwined women.
Draesner’s linguistic magic finds words even for silences and evokes polyphonically and poetically the power that makes people survive.
Moderation: Silke Behl

31.10. FEMPIRE-PODCAST - Rasha Khayat in conversation with Slata Roschal, 11.00 am
On whose shoulders do today’s women writers stand? While the literary canon prescribes countless men writing as a compulsory program, silence remains around literature’s female role models – and with them all their perspectives, experiences, and themes. Author Rasha Khayat invites other women writers to talk about the influence of their writing heroines. They talk about reading, books, the shackles of patriarchy, and most importantly, the women who shaped them. Each author brings a different one to celebrate their life and work! In this special edition, Rasha Khayat will speak with Slata Roschal – Live in front of an audience at Kaffee Krach.
Introduction: Tatjana Vogel
Doors will be open at 10:30 a.m., so you can get
coffee and cake before
the recording begins at 11.00 am.
In cooperation with
Kaffee Krach.

31.10. Adam Soboczynski: Traummland, 4 p.m.
In his autobiographical text, the Zeit journalist tells of growing up in Poland, moving to the West German provinces as a six-year-old, and about the borders he crosses and has to face during this time. This is about more than the binary distinction between ‘East’ and ‘West’, but about what dreams and realities certain cultural spaces generate and what power the freedom of unfolding holds. The book also shows how historical events radiate into the present and how the future can be shaped from them.
Moderation: Farukh Sauerwein
In cooperation with
the bremer shakespeare company

31.10. Raoul Schrott: Inventur des Sommers, 6 p.m.
Lockdowns and war have left large gaps in our present. Raoul Schrott’s form-blasting thought poems explore the extent to which our thoughts, actions, and feelings are shaped by the absent. Is poetry able to bring back what has been lost? What stays and what do we leave behind when we go? Artful, clever, and sensual, this volume, which meanders between essay and poetry, presents a colorful kaleidoscope of those shattered moments that make up our lives-whether at home, in contemporary events, or on a journey to the cult sites of the muses, whether in true stories, speeches for the dead, or celebrations of jubilation.
Introduction: Tatjana Vogel
In cooperation with
the Gerhard-Marcks-House

31.10. Alice Hasters: Identitätskrise, 8 p.m.
Identity. Kind of exhausting. But nevertheless necessary for the formation of societies and also for people quite personally, even if one rejects the subject or carries several identities within oneself.
Crisis. A word that seems to dominate our time like no other. In her personal text, Alice Hasters links these fields to one of the driving engines: doubt. This can be helpful when looking to the future.
Moderated by Viktorie Knotková
In cooperation with the
Kukoon Cultural Center

01.11. Slammer Filet : Poetry Slam & Multilingualism with Henrik Szántó
12- 5 pm
Poetry slam is the intertwining of writing and performance. In the workshop
you learn to develop your text from your idea and to perform it. We’re sharpening verses, building punchlines, and having mighty fun in the process. We focus on techniques of multilingual writing. Pack your favorite words, grab your favorite sounds and let yourself be surprised by your own creativity. You bring pen and paper. The rest is on the spot. All languages welcome. The workshop itself is in German.
Welcome: Ina Schenker
Registration until 30.10. at
In cooperation with
the University of Bremen

01.11. Nihan Devecioğlu: Die Liebenden, 8 p.m.
The Âşıklar (“the lovers”), traveling poets in Turkish folk culture, accompanied by Matti Weber on the long-necked lute saz, sing poems about love, social and political experiences. Mostly male dominated, they form a close bond with the people whose lives they sing about. Soprano Nihan Devecioğlu creates her own song recital in which she narrates the lives of four first-generation “guest workers” who traveled from Turkey to Germany in the 1960s and 1970s as a female Âşık.
Welcome: Viktorie Knotková
In cooperation with
the Theater Bremen

01.11. Dinçer Güçyeter: Unser Deutschlandmärchen, 6 p.m.
In Dinçer Güçyeter’s poetic debut novel, the author tells the story of his mother – and all the women who have a similar biography. Coming to Germany, being in precarious circumstances, raising children, living a life. Güçyeter describes this impressively in many images, weaving numerous voices into one another to create a mosaic that shows a picture of our society as it actually is. And what power lies dormant in memories.
Moderation: Lore Kleinert
In cooperation with
the Kulturforum Turkey

02.11. Mina Hava: Für Seka, 6 p.m.
What remains are a handful of photographs and the fear of her father, the worry about her mother and brother, the knots in her chest. In her early twenties, the narrator reconstructs her parents’ journey from Bosnia to Switzerland and searches for threads to their present. In the process, she comes across the prison camp in Omarska and discovers that there today ore
is dismantled. The war that took place just a few years earlier has almost been forgotten. In her debut, Mina Hava links history with personal experiences, losses and fears – and sheds light on what history means for landscapes and bodies.
Moderation: Tatjana Vogel
In collaboration with
the Stadtbibliothek Bremen

02.11. Marlen Hobrack: Schrödinger's Grrrl, 8 p.m.
Mara Wolf, in her early twenties, a school dropout, lives in Dresden and on Hartz IV and dreams of influencer fame. A PR agent persuades her to pose as the author of an older man’s book to ensure commercial success. What unfolds afterwards is not only an unsparing look at the German literary landscape and its business, but also at class differences, friendship, and cohesion within our society.
Moderation: Daniel Schmidt
In collaboration with
the Arbeitnehmerkammer Bremen

02.11. Annika Reich: Männer sterben bei uns nicht, 8 p.m.
Contrary to what the title suggests, men form a void in Annika Reich’s novel – they rarely appear, but are mostly absent. Instead, the author tells a story of a family along the fates of women, generation after generation. Why do the men disappear? Only the grandmother, the head of the family, knows this. She is silent. Annika Reich tells of power mechanisms in families that can affect not only men, of betrayal and what it means to stand by each other.
Moderation: Corinna Gerhards
In collaboration with
the Stadtbücherei Delmenhorst

03.11. Bis auf Weiteres: Ukrainian poems, 4 p.m.
Two contemporary poets and a poet from Ukraine will read their poems. In a poetic way they deal with the current situation in their country. The poems were commissioned by the globale° translated into German.
The authors are present.
Moderation: Oxana Matiychuk
In cooperation with
the Städtische Galerie Bremen

03.11. City of Literature, 6 p.m.
As last year, we invite representatives from different Cities of Literature to Bremen to discuss with them the UNESCO network and the joint projects.
Guests from Krakow, Durban, Odessa, Tartu, Manchester have confirmed their attendance,
Heidelberg, Lviv, Prague, Gdansk, Leuwaarden.
Moderation: Karen Struve

Zentrum für Kunst
Großer Theatersaal
Hermann-Ritter-Strasse 108 E
D – 28197 Bremen
Sat, 04.11. and Sun, 05.11.
Miteinander - Kulturcampus
Traditionally, globale° and Theater Bremen jointly transform various theater stages into a cross-border cultural campus. Readings, productions, discussions are offered at various venues.

04.11. Matinée on Annie Ernaux
Annie Ernaux read together … and listen! This event invites you to discover the work of the Nobel Prize winner to be rediscovered. Based on of “Les années” – “The years”, this great, story told in an idiosyncratically subjective way of France, we explore in a reading-friendly conversation Ernaux’s work and her writing, which is about remembering and forgetting, about family secrets, around the shame of being out of ‘simple circumstances’ in the countryside, and to explore the role of women since the postwartime revolves. The countless references to chansons in this text are made audible by singer Erwan Tacher. Excerpts from readings complement the conversation and song, allowing Ernaux’s work to be experienced in new ways.
04.11. Wort ergreifen!
“scarring” is the keyword of this year’s literary walk, it’s about wounds and their – often makeshift – healing. Can a text close cracks and yet always be testimony of the violation remain? At seven stations we will read short texts from various times and places that exist quite independently of each other, but together form a large arc. Texts with urgency and political dimension, little known or forgotten works that we want to make loudly audible to the public in Bremen. In Collaboration with actors from the Bremen Shakespeare Company and selected Bremen bookstores.
You will then receive all further information. Before starting please inform yourself again on our homepage or the social media about possible changes.

Please register by mail to attend by Oct 30th to:
04.11. Radka Denemarková: Stunden aus Blei, 1 p.m.
A group of Europeans travels in search of personal development to Beijing. But in the communist country, travelers encounter insurmountable barriers to their individual freedoms. The encounter with Chinese
dissidents now leads them all to a dramatic turning point in the courses of their lives. Central to the novel is the role of a Czech woman writer who passionately advocates democratic principles and becomes the moral guide for a Chinese student who eventually joins the who eventually joins the political resistance – with disastrous consequences.
Moderation: Viktorie Knotková
5 €

05.11. Tijan Sila: Radio Sarajevo, 4 p.m.
When the Bosnian war began in April 1992,Tijan Sila was only ten years old, but to this day he can still remember the smell of detonated explosives . While Sarajevo is in flames, he roams through the ruins of the bombed-out city and collects things left behind by the fugitives and the and the dead to trade for food on the black market. exchange them for food on the black market. This story is about how poets become murderers and murderers become heroes. It tells of people who were abruptly deprived of all humanity, and of the traces, that the war leaves in the brain of every survivor.
Moderation: Tatjana Vogel

Away from the big stages:

the young globale° 2023/2024
We traditionally offer various workshops and seminars for children, teenagers and young adults as part of the globale° and beyond. This year’s participants are:
Writing workshops
- with Janika Rehak on 26. and 27.06. at the Riesschule Ritterhude
- with Osman Engin and Manuela Weichenrieder from September 18-22 at the Oberschule Ohlenhof and from October 9-13 at the Oberschule Ohlenhof. in the secondary school on Waller Ring
- with Leona Efuna on 02. and 03.11. at Llyod Gymnasium Bremerhaven
School readings & short workshops
- with Janika Rehak on 03.07. at the Klimahaus Bremerhaven in cooperation with the Llyod Gymnasium
- with Rasha Khayat on 01.11. at the Wilhelm Wagenfeld School
- with Slata Roschal on 01.11. at the Cäcilienschule Oldenburg
- with Deborah Feldman on 06.11. at the Wilhelm Wagenfeld School
- with Pei-Yu Chang on 06.11. at the Pulverberg school
- with Patrick Addai on 23.11. in the Burgdamm school and on 24.11. in the Arsten elementary school
LitLab – The Literature Lab at the University of Bremen
- with Lelya Bektaş on 02. and 03.11. in cooperation with the Walle school center
Narrated identity – Abitur theme meets author at Theater Bremen
- with Olga Grjasnowa on 06.09.
- with Saša Stanišić on 11.01.24
- with Shida Bazyar on 01.03.24
Book cinemas for all
- with Jakob Graf on 05.11. at the Theater Bremen
- with Pei-Yu Chang on 06.11. at the Kulturhaus Walle Brodelpott