Building a Bridge
About the project
The project Building a Bridge wants to build a bridge between Groningen and Bremen. A bridge that connects two languages that can actually be very close. A bridge that connects the audience through the power of literature. A bridge that connects festivals and authors from both cities and enables them to work together. In the project Building a Bridge, nine young writers from Germany and the Netherlands enter into close exchange and develop an interactive literary performance together over a period of one and a half years, supported in numerous workshops and by the dramaturge Viktorie Knotková. The final performance is expected to premiere in the spring of 2022, after which it will be performed at other venues. More about the performance, where you can see it and how you can book it, you can find out on this website. Building a Bridge is a Dutch-German cooperation project. It is jointly organized by young globale°, the young talent program of globale°, and the NW Talent Program of the NOORDWOORD Literary Office.
The Performance
You will learn more about the final performance of the Building a Bridge project here. Until then, here is a video of the final performance at the globale°Literature Festival 2021, which was a first attempt with elements that will be found in the final, interactive performance.