31.10. Adam Soboczynski
31.10. Adam Soboczynski: Traummland, 4 p.m. In his autobiographical text, the Zeit journalist tells of growing up in Poland, moving to the West German provinces as a six-year-old, and about…
31.10. Adam Soboczynski: Traummland, 4 p.m. In his autobiographical text, the Zeit journalist tells of growing up in Poland, moving to the West German provinces as a six-year-old, and about…
31.10. FEMPIRE-PODCAST - Rasha Khayat in conversation with Slata Roschal, 11.00 am On whose shoulders do today's women writers stand? While the literary canon prescribes countless men writing as a…
30.10. Opening / Ulrike Draesner: Die Verwandelten, 7 p.m. WelcomeLibuše Černá Festival managementDr. Andreas Bovenschulte Mayor / Senator for CultureCornelius Neumann-Redlin Business associations in the state of Bremen NOTE: Please…
25.10. Polina Panassenko: Tenir sa langue, 7 p.m. Migration and identity - it has to be told again and again. This novel, which has won several awards in France, tackles…
23.10. Diaty Diallo: Zwei Sekunden brennende Luft / Deux secondes d'air qui brûle, 7 p.m. In the banlieues, the suburbs of France, social grievances such as inequality, discrimination and racism…
23.10. Kirmen Uribe: The prelife of the dolphins / La vida anterior de los delfines, 7 p.m. In a masterful combination of historical biography and auto-fiction, playing between Bilbao, Manhattan…